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Business Development

Go From Assembly Manufacturing to Intelligent Manufacturing

No matter how rich, prosperous or developed a country is the road that led them there is usually their prowess with manufacturing. A lot hasn’t changed from history even, the most successful empires were the one who perfected the art of manufacturing weapons in bulk numbers without compromising on the quality or on the quantity of the numbers produced. Today, many of the fastest developing countries are leaders in manufacturing. Take the case of India or China, two powerhouses whose economy is based on strong imports from China producing electronics to the world and India is the pharmacy to the world. This concept of a manufacturing unit having limitless potential is still relevant today as it will be in the future as well. How can we at BrainFuel help you from “a” manufacturing unit to “the” manufacturing unit?

Streamline your operations

Let’s begin on the factory floor, let’s make sure that tools or in this case your machinery is ready for the transformation. We capture data both manually and digitally about the current condition of your machinery at present and their optimum condition for maximum efficiency and productivity. Let’s come up with a road map for the machinery involved in the manufacturing process.

Predictive Maintenance

Once the data is collected, each and every machinery is categorized into needing no to immediate maintenance required categories. This while may seem insignificant, this gives us a window into future cash requirements into machinery as well. Once every machinery is in tip-top shape its time to begin the transformation.

Quality Assurance

Something that’s expected from you, let’s make it a part of the company culture. Strict compliance rules are placed to maintain a uniform output regardless of the final output volume. 

Cost Analysis

Get insights into market and customer behavior, get information on the competition to always stay ahead of the competition. Tack the costs of the competition and cost trends on your product to continue your revenue-generating activities.

Inventory Replenishment

Your inventory is constantly monitored, our digital agents can automatically generate orders and PO’s to your suppliers thus reducing delays and any other unforeseen circumstances.

Regulation Execution 

From tax compliances to maintaining on-ground safety, our RPA agents are constantly monitoring the maintaining standards all across the company. Reduce human safety costs, penalties related taxes, and more. 

Tracking and Feedback 

From the factory floor to the end-user, track the performance of each and every batch individually. Get insights from the feedback to improve the product.

How can we help? 

We are one of the best robotic process automation companies when it comes to streamlining operations and processes within power and utility companies. We understand the nuances of the sector thus tinkering and improving our robotic process automation. We provide robotic process automation solutions individually to individual departments so as to make the entire organization to be efficient translating to reduced operating costs and more revenue.



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