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Python Development

Leading programming languages of 2021

It can be a difficult task if somebody asks you to make a forecast about the programming languages that are expected to become popular in the coming years. You must also remember that whenever a programming language is introduced as the next big buzz, it won’t prove to be that effective in terms of usage and popularity. And there are these languages that emerge as surprise winners especially with the support of leading tech companies. It is a no-brainer to predict the future of a programming language based on its popularity among developers and programmers. However it’s not about the rising popularity, but the prowess to provide simplified and comprehensive computing solutions that matters the most in the long run. Read on to find out the computer programming languages that will stay strong in 2021 which are python development, Golang development, Javascript and Typescript.


Python is without doubt one of the most popular programming languages preferred by many developers in 2021. Not to forget the significance of this language in developing path-breaking artificial intelligence systems. Most of the latest websites are now developed using Python. The language is simple and beginners find it easy to use. Python is an old but most preferred programming language when compared to other programming languages like TypeScript and Rust. One of the most salient features of Python development is its sturdy connection with several toolkits of data science. This is indeed the most preferred basic programming language for developers now and will remain the same in the coming years too. Are you a newbie with Python? Then it will be beneficial for you if you start with the easy to learn beginner’s guide. 


JavaScript is another popular programming language preferred by a large number of developers. The popularity and usage of JavaScript are expected to continue throughout 2021 also. You can find JavaScript used for almost all websites. A vast number of websites will continue to use JavaScript frameworks and libraries.


TypeScript is a common programming language and happens to be a major competitor for JavaScript. This programming language provides you several JavaScript abilities. TypeScript was created as an idea for extending the utilities of JavaScript. It is easier in maintaining TypeScript when compared to JavaScript due to the type safety features and highly accessible frontend applications. Another major reason for the popularity is that TypeScript keeps on adding user-friendly and innovative features to all its latest versions. 


Go is one of the most advanced programming languages that is preferred by a vast number of working professionals. In 2019, Go was considered as a highly paid tech skill. Freelancers who are proficient in Go can fetch the best hourly rates in the market. Go was the programming language that was invented with the basic idea of incorporating the most effective attributes of other programming languages. For example, you can find the superior readability feature of Python and the runtime effectiveness of C++ in Go. The popularity of Go is expected to increase in the coming years among developers. 

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Brainfuel Solutions is known for delivering innovative business solutions by providing result-oriented business process automation tools and strategies to our global clients. Our skilled team provides you with effective technical solutions to scale up your business. We always aim to bring out the best for our clients by providing timely technical strategies and strive to work accordingly. It’s time to end your search for a result-oriented IT services company with Brainfuel Solutions.



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