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Made for failure: mobile applications

Application of every kind has flooded the scene where they swim in the sea of similarity and mediocrity. Mobile application store has become a parody of good mobile application, this bothers businesses who want to be taken seriously by the end user and wants sincerely to stand out among the competition. Below some points to consider when creating a mobile application which could make all the difference.

Shining from a void

While the features of the application may be “inspired” by other application or applications, but building an application on a feature that the competition missed out may seem like a good idea. The problem with this approach is that the users are intelligent to know that the application is a rip-off. The application has had an individuality to stand out among the competition.

Edging out

The best example is Google, Google barely performs better their competition they are the yardstick for the other search engines. An application which barely edges the competition is in second place after an update patch from the competition. It is better to be miles ahead of the competition when making an application

Problems and solutions 

Every business wishes to provide solutions to every tough problem out there, the only difference the end user knows how your business solves them. The solution provided must be easy to complete, comprehensive and a new approach to the solution.



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