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What are the top frameworks used by companies using Golang?

Backed by Google, Go or Golang is the most popular and promising programing language among developers. Many prefer this relatively young programming language because of its simplicity and readability. There are other relevant and important benefits. Many mobile development companies using Golang find it is easy to come up with a stunning application. It was developed as a solution with regard to software development infrastructure at Google. 

Go language’s features

Companies using Golang also choose Golang over other options as they find it has got standard libraries and excellent features.

  • Static type
  • Open-source language
  • Concurrency support
  • Powerful 
  • Simple syntax
  • Standard libraries
Top frameworks used by Companies using Golang
  • Martini

Martini is a simple and easy-to-decipher framework of Golang having more than 20 active plugins. The community support is very high and supports documentation and exception handling.

  • Gin Gonic 

Gin Gonic is a much simpler and comparatively effective framework than Martini. It does JSON validation while ensuring great performance.

  • Beego

The most famous framework used by companies using Goalng for years. The framework has similarities to Django but is different in certain aspects. It can smoothly work without third parties.

  • HTTP

HTTP framework is also suitable for Goalng development. It allows developers to use the XMPP server. One of the most important benefits it has a vast, active community for support. Although, it is the best in aspects like allowing middleware it is not the best for routing purposes.

  • Buffalo

Simple and the best Go framework. It provides a platform where developers can web applications in a fast manner. The hot reloading feature in Go is beneficial in many ways. For example, it automatically monitors. Buffalo is regarded as the best framework that provides a holistic web development system supporting the following:

  • Live changes 
  • Data migration
  • Monitoring
  • Mango

Mango is a Golang framework that has no active community support making the development more challenging. But, it is used by a lion’s share of developers around the world for its modularity. Its reusable modules are the best.

  • Gorilla

Gorilla has a large community and it is the framework known for its capability to use HTTP reusable modules. Developers also find it is the best for web development. 

  • GoCraft

GoCraft has great similarities to the Martini framework. It is the best for website backend development. It offers a quick routing facility, supports middleware

  •  Goji

Like Buffalo, Goji is also a simple to use the framework and can be integrated into any middleware stack. Besides, it supports lean API and web socket.

  • Revel

Revel is one of the most popular frameworks as it supports a host of box features. It is a fully-fledged framework that can be used to develop stunning web applications.

About us 

Brainfuel is one of the best companies using Golang in India that provides the best Golang web development services. Our team is well versed in all phases of Golang web development and determined to serve businesses with outstanding web development solutions. Being one of the trusted companies using Golang in India, we deliver optimum solutions to get accurate results.



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